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Balanced Body Balanced Life
Welcome video (4:46)
Week 1
Day 1 - Welcome to week 1 (2:59)
Every day - Schedule for week 1
Every day - Physical card for week 1
Day 1 - How to use workout library (3:03)
Day 1 - What and Why
Day 2 - Clarity and Actions (2:42)
Day 2 - How to create and use activity (or tracking) cards (2:45)
Day 3 - Make your goals a reality - Affirmations (2:12)
Day 4 - My ideal day (3:56)
Day 5 - Morning ritual (aka routine) (5:54)
Suggested books to read - week 1
Every day - Checklist for week 1
Week 2
Day 1 - Welcome to week 2 (1:35)
Every day - Schedule for week 2
Every day - Checklist for week 2
Every day - Physical card for week 2
Day 1 - How to add mindfullness to your life (4:46)
Day 1 - Limiting beliefs and what to do with them - Belief change work (4:51)
Day 1 - "I want to try" list
Day 2 - Gratitude and appreciation for your body + conversations with your body (2:24)
Day 2 - Bonus: Water experiment by Dr. Masaru Emoto
Day 3 - Joy List (3:16)
Day 4 - How to love yourself (3:18)
Day 4 - Inner child exercise (3:02)
Day 5 - How to create a playlist on YouTube (5:00)
Day 5 - Suggested workouts and instructors to follow
Any day - Suggested books to read - week 2
Week 3
Day 1 - Welcome to week 3 (1:14)
Every day - Schedule for week 3
Every day - Checklist for week 3
Every day - Physical card for week 3
Day 1 - On self-sabotage (upper limit problem) (2:31)
Day 2 - Reducing negative self-talk (10 10 10 rule) (3:27)
Day 2 - Shower affirmations (and every day after that) (1:54)
Day 3 - How to get a better posture and why it is important (4:25)
Day 3 - Bonus: Tibetan Rites with Vicky Vlachonis
Day 4 - Letter to your future self (1:30)
Day 5 - What to do when you feel broken (3:56)
Day 5 - Bonus: Kris Carr on self care - Soul Sunday talk
Any day: Suggested books to read - week 3
Week 4
Day 1 - Welcome to week 4 (0:26)
Every day - Schedule for week 4
Every day - Checklist for week 4
Every day - Physical card for week 4
Day 1 - Adding instead of eliminating (1:40)
Day 1 - What to eat to make your stomach flat and skin glowing (4:08)
Day 1 - Bonus: Perfect Green Smoothie recipe
Day 2 - Skin ritual (3:23)
Day 2 - Bonus: my favourite brown sugar scrub
Day 3 - A letter to your body and a letter from your body to you. (0:57)
Day 4 - A word on people around you. How to make them healthier too. (2:22)
Day 4 - Bonus. Overcoming anything: intorduction to tapping (2:42)
Day 5: Decluttering: physical and emotional and how it affects your body (2:29)
Day 5 - Bonus: 100 happy days (2:11)
Any day: Suggested books to read - week 4
Workout Library
Foundations (6:05)
Stomach (15:14)
Glutes and Legs (12:27)
Full Body Workouts
Stretching (4:02)
Back & Posture
You've done it!
Thank you (0:53)
Every day - Schedule for week 3
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